For ERP systems


Shoxl takes an "ERP-driven" approach. The Shoxl e-commerce suite expands your ERP system with components for sales and service, and with all facilities you will need to manage your online channels. Our goal is to ensure a seamless connection, without any overlap.

There are Shoxl versions available for a broad spectrum of ERP-systems. And even if your system is not yet on our list, then all is not lost: our standard interfaces enable interfacing with virtually any ERP-system, however difficult it may be to access.

e-commerce for SAP e-commerce for Dynamics e-commerce for Unit4 e-commerce for Exact e-commerce for other ERP-systems

for branches


The Shoxl e-commerce platform has been optimized for the B2B segment. We understand the practical challenges, and we know that the usability of an e-commerce platform depends on the way it handles branch-specific details.

And if your product data management is not yet up to standard, then you will be pleased to learn that the Shoxl e-commerce platform has a powerful PIM system which offers a practical solution to the management of product data at unprecedentedly low costs.

e-commerce for Wholesalers e-commerce for Manufacturers

For Datapools


Wholesalers in particular are faced with an important challenge when attempting to achieve their e-commerce vision: creating an accessible, consistent, and complete set of product data. Data pools like EZ-base and 2BA/ETIM offer a quick solution to that problem, each for their own industry.

The Shoxl e-commerce platform integrates seamlessly with both EZ-base and ETIM item database used by 2BA. You can use the data in the Shoxl directly, or have the Shoxl PIM gather it as a basis for enriched product data.

e-commerce for EZ-base e-commerce for 2BA/ETIM