Scan and order
The Shoxl ScannerApp is actually a full-fledged shop that displays your full product assortment. The key difference with the mobile version of the Shoxl shop is the additional option of filling a shopping basket by scanning barcodes. This makes it possible to compile an order list quickly.

The Shoxl ScannerApp is eminently useable in combination with a Shoxl shop. Order lists that are compiled using the app can also be viewed from the shop. This makes it possible to, for example, create concept structures for on-going orders in the warehouse, then verify them on the desktop, and finalize them.

The Shoxl ScannerApp and Shoxl shop both use the same infrastructure. This means that, once the ERP-system is connected to your shop, it is also immediately available for the ScannerApp – and vice versa. This means that you only need to invest in the creation of the interface once. As soon as either the ScannerApp or Shop are operational, going live with the other components becomes easy.